Virtual or in person user groups - which works better for you?

Some of you will recall that in the good old pre-pandemic days, we used to hold Delib user groups in person. One a year in each territory (England, Scotland and Northern Ireland). As well as enjoying them as a nice opportunity to get out of the office, we really relished the chance to meet with you folks in a room, in person, and have some proper good chats.

During the pandemic we have adapted and pivoted to holding our user groups online virtually. We recognise that a virtual event is never going to be as fulfilling an experience as attending in person, but it does also have its benefits - people are able to attend from further afield, so we no longer need to separate the events by territory for exanple.

We'd love to hear which approach works better for you, what the appetite is for in person events to return, and what would make our virtual events better.

Why the contribution is important

The pandemic has forced lots of changes and we want to hang onto those that have been for the better while hopefully eventually moving past the not so positive ones! That means understanding how our events can work best for you.

by Natalie_Delib on June 30, 2021 at 02:06PM

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